flippytale Quilter

Art Journey with a Quilty Voice:
I here Voices. The Voices tell me to cut up Fabric. Good Fabric. Into small pieces. Small interesting pieces.
Then the Voices tell me to put them back together again. In interesting ways.
.... I must Obey ....

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Last Night - Surprise

Around 4:00 am I could hear the strangest noise, it sounded like someone had left a dog tied up next door and it kept whining to get their attention. It was this pitiful whimper. I woke up and sat right up in bed, I knew that I couldn't allow that poor animal to sit outside! How cruel!

Well, as soon as I woke up I could see Timon asleep at the foot of my bed. He opened up his eyes, yawned, stretched and blinked. And I realized.... That pitiful whine was Timon Snoring!!!!!!! I just gave him a good pet, laid back down, and laughed myself back to sleep. Who would know that I have a cat whose snores can wake the dead!?!?! The darling....


Monday, February 26, 2007

I Dodged a Bullet

I dodged a bullet (of my own creating) and the final temptation of the month, I was outbid!!! I know I can make it to Thursday, I know I can. Wow, this month has been harder than any month so far since I started Stash Busting this Summer!

Badge from A Peach in Stitches

If I can make it through March I will allow myself to indulge in April at AQS, if I go to the show....

(Oh, listen to me bargaining!!!)

Saturday, February 24, 2007

WIP Saturday

So far this is what I was working on this weekend:

I organized my scrapbook of quilt notes for my projects
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New Timon is making good progress
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And, my daffodils may not have bloomed yet (soon, I am sure) but I found a hyacinth that decided to bloom in a corner of one of my planters!
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New Web Ring!!!

I did it, I created a Web Ring. Modern style always SINGS to me and I've been creating more and more quilts this way. I have been exploring in a couple of directions, but thought I would try this to see if there are others out there who would like to share.

This is the first time I've done this and not sure where it will take me, I've never managed a web site or web ring before, so be kind if you decide to join.

I did see a group on Flickr, but in order to keep simplicity for now I will focus on my one blog here, I may join that group when I am feeling more adventurous.


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Friday, February 23, 2007

My Daffodils will bloom soon!

I can't wait until it gets a bit warmer so I can go outside a do stuff in my yard.
This fun site reminded me that spring will be here soon, again, just like it does every year, but by this time of year it seems like forever...

I am a

What Flower
Are You?


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

WIP Wednesday 2-21

I lost my Pin Ring on Sunday because I put it down in a really clever place (which Timon found later), so I figured I could make a new one. This little Finger Pin Cushion is one of my favorite tools because it keeps my pins handy while I am sewing and pinning. I like it better than a wrist version because it doesn't get in the way of my clothing.

All made from recycled parts: bottle cap, left over polyester batting, a scrap of 4" fabric, scrap of elastic, an X-Acto knife to cut a hole, some hot glue ... tah-dah!
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Very much like a Ready Made project.

And, I have been busy putting together the last two strips and boarder of my bed quilt, I don't have a name for it yet except that I've knick named it my "Eames" quilt, it is folded in quarters in this picture because it is too big to hang fully on my design wall. Right now with all the parts it is about 100 x 100"
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My guild has a sit and sew coming up, it might be a good place to take it and baste it together to the backing. Provided I put the back together by then...


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Timon is a Genius!

He always comes through when I've lost something small; buttons, earring backs.... He found my Pin Ring! All he had to do was knock it off the corner of the table it was sitting on and I was able to rescue it away from him quickly. (Can't let him play with the pins) Yup, it was in a dumb place, out of the way where I wouldn't see it. Good Kitty, He gets a Treat for that deed!


Oh! I am certain I am not going to make my fabric diet this month, here is another piece of fabric that I've wanted for a loooong time. Who would be twisted enough to print this??? it is so great! It is another OOP fabric that I have been craving. I want to make a purse or shirt or something fun out of it.

Ok, now for the begging and whining.... I haven't bought any fabric for six months!!! I did buy some last month because it was a treat to plump up my yellow stash and travel to this super nifty quilt store that had the reputation of having every piece of fabric ever printed in the Universe! (not quilt true, but nearly!) Whah!!!! I've been so good. Then all the sudden pieces of the fabric I've been craving for a long time show up for auction. What's a girl to do?

What I've been up to this week:

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Saturday, February 17, 2007


Saved by an outbid! I should be safe for the rest of February from the tempation of buying fabric. March will be another story. Does a frabric diet count if I am only planning to buy one piece of fabric?

Friday, February 16, 2007

Dahlia Crazy

Oh how I love Amy Butler's Ginger Bliss line!!! It has been out of print for a while. I have been fortunate to have found some of the prints I really like, but I want more of these prints!

I have it BAD for the Sun Dahlia pattern, it is very out of print and what is out there is VERY expensive, and I've looked for it for a long time. My February fabric diet is faultering because of this itch I must scratch, maybe I will get out bid. Maybe someday a large piece will land in my lap that I can properly love.

Oh, I've got it bad this week....


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Feb 14 WIP Wednesday

Happy Valentine's Day! Yesterday I received a Valentine in the mail from my Mom in California. So cute, and such a nice surprise! I am going to hang it on my door tomorrow...
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Oh, and Timon likes his too (it is the red paper that my hanging was wrapped in)
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I finished my wash cloth Sunday night while glued to Battlestar Galactica, my current favorite TV program. Still need to try the cloth out, which I will do tomorrow, I have a lot of good expecations. Especially since my friend swears by them!
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My Next task is to finish my presenation...

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Center Rose

The center is still bugging me, I may end up taking it appart to change out the light blue completely, but into what I don't know. I did put one of the dark blue squares in the center, but am still not happy with it. It was also a bit awkard to put in because I was trying to avoid taking the whole thing appart, so I sewed it in with a "Y" seam, and it shows. So, now I am setting it asside for a while to marinade, and give myself time to contemplate it.

I worked most of the day to finish the outsides pieces. The four courner blocks were crumb-pieced with the corresponding colors, I am really happy how they came out.


Break Time!

Almost done, but I don't like how big the blue corners are in the center, love how the outside corners came out. Means some stich ripping (un-sewing) if I change the center. In the mean time I pinned what might work in the center in the second picture. Better with less light blue, I think, but even better after a late lunch.
Quilt Top as it is now...

What it might look like with the center changed...


Ok, I'm dorky, I know it...

I decided to make a new "self portrait" of me, what do you think? ... and also discovered that the blogger has an image uploader within it, I've been using Photobucket until now...

I've never been one to read the directions...

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

February 7 WIP Wednesday

I finished my guild's February Block of the Month on Sunday, it is based on the Heartstrings blocks many of you are familiar with. Ours are going to stay in our community and get made up into quilts for a local charity.

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Monday, February 05, 2007

YouTube! Quilt Stash

Oh! this is GREAT!!!!


She really needs a "No Buy" policy, her granddaughter narrates it so perfectly too!

{pause for breath}

OMG! and here is ANOTHER ONE!!!!


I nearly busted a few stitches over the skill saw!

Oh, AND I just got done rating all the Super Bowl Commercails (Nope, didn't watch the game, but will go on line and watch commercials for FREE)
{insert crazy person sounds here ***b-b-b-b-b-b-b***}


My personal fav is the Blockbuster "Mouse", again, I burst a few seams over that one too, though the Career Builder ones came in pretty close for me.

Ok, off to bed ... nighty, night
{sound of crazy person scampering off into another room.... **he-he-he-he**}


Sunday, February 04, 2007

Ground Hog Day Snow

It finally snowed the night of Friday, February 2! It never got too cold so the streets thawed out quickly and I went to work an hour late ... once there none of my co-workers and I could focus on our work. But we all put in a full day of work. And our little snow was so pretty!
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All day yesterday I ran errands I had been putting off since, like, forever, but then I played with my blog formatting most of the evening and some this morning. I want to organize my unfinished projects a little better so that they are better documented. More of a Jounal for each quilt. I like what I've done so far to my Stash Busting blog. Er, sort of about quilting, right?

Have a few more chores to finish up and then I can play with fabric. I want to make our Block of the Month today. If all goes well, I will be able to be even more irresponsible next weekend and Sew more.


Saturday, February 03, 2007


I keep learning new things about these blog formats that lets me do mre sophistacted things with my pages.
My UFO pages are becoming more of a Diary of each quilt's progress, much better than if I just sat down and tried to remember everything.

My Storm at Sea challenge will get the most journaling since I am working on it while I am learning about blogging. It is certainly a blog baby!

I am so excited about blog pages that I am thinking of converting my Professional Portfolia to a series of blog pages. Not sure yet, but my web pages are so antiquated.

Oh, and I discovered LABELS ... !!!!

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Thursday, February 01, 2007

Oh! I wanted a Snow Day

Not enough snow fell on our feeble little town, with our under nourished snow equipement! More snow would have paralyzed the city and I could have stayed home and played with fabric. I will just have to wait for my sewing fun for this weekend. *sigh*
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