flippytale Quilter

Art Journey with a Quilty Voice:
I here Voices. The Voices tell me to cut up Fabric. Good Fabric. Into small pieces. Small interesting pieces.
Then the Voices tell me to put them back together again. In interesting ways.
.... I must Obey ....

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Kroger reusable bag contest

VOTE for my Kroger Bag HERE

Vote for my bag and it may be for sale in stores. As of this morning my bag is in FOURTH PLACE!!!

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Saturday Sisters March 2009

Paula had us at her house this month and we made quick and fun little projects. Another great day! I made drink coaster out of oil cloth and Jody made check book covers out of the coolest money themed fabric. Karen made pillow cases, Carol did some hand work, and Paula worked with her daughter Sarah on a new horse quilt.
