flippytale Quilter

Art Journey with a Quilty Voice:
I here Voices. The Voices tell me to cut up Fabric. Good Fabric. Into small pieces. Small interesting pieces.
Then the Voices tell me to put them back together again. In interesting ways.
.... I must Obey ....

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


I have a few new posts from this week about what I am working on right now. Tonight, I hung out in front of the TV and knitted a cotton wash cloth. A friend of mine swears by them and I have to try one out. The green is my knitting and the washcloth is my "pattern"
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Also basted another board for "New Timon"
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More this weekend!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Daylily on the right is done

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Leaf Block

Compuquilt has a version of the leaf block that I used in my UFO....


Saturday, January 27, 2007

A Lily is Done!

I complete one of the Lilies to my Storm at Sea this week. I had cut it out before Christmas and am finally getting somewhere with this top. I need to cut out the pieces for the right side and decide how I am going to finish the center.

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My goals for February are:
Finish this top
Prepare for my presentation at guild at the end of Feb.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

WIP-ish Wednesday

I can't say that I have anything new but am continuing to work on two important projects:
"Storm at Sea"
"New Timon"

My WIP will really occur on Saturday when my first day off starts, but I keep basting the pieces to "New Timon" each morning and evening, three to a dozen pieces at a time, while I drink my morning coffee and breakfast, or evening TV.
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Storm at Sea is top of my list since it MUST be complete in March. I am currently working on the Lily sides
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This morning I unearthed a few more UFOs that I need to evaluate as to what I want to do them:
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1/27/07 Note:
The leaf pattern was from a Quilter's Newsletter in the mid-nineties, and I sort of made it up from there. The leaf pattern is pretty common, here is one pattern that I found....

The acorn I saw somewhere and drafted it to fit the leaf. All was made a long time ago using templates

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Sunday, January 21, 2007

After Breaking the Fast

My friend and I went to Stitcher's Garden in Franklin, TN
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She had EVERYTHING! If you need fabric to complete a project she was jammed floor to ceiling with bolts and bolts of fabric. But, she also know what she has and knows that the dedicated quilter will come to visit her and spend. Which my friend and I did! No sale fabric, no end of bolt discouts, everthing, no matter how old it was was around $8.95 a yard (at least everything on my bill was that and that is what I remember seeing on each bolt) I didn't even ask how much the fat quarters were.

Here is my loot, I needed to build up my selection of yellows and oranges:
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Two pieces came from another store in the same town and they were half off

I know I will be back, especially when I am selecting specific colors for a projects. And, yes, I will pay... because I also see that her store is a one stop shop since she seemed to have every piece of cotton ever printed for quilters. YEAH!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Breaking my Fabric Fast

Tomorrow I am breaking my fabric fast. I have budgeted $100 for this.

I have heard tales about this amazing fabric store about three hours drive away from me. A friend has agreed to go with me. We take off at 7am tomorrow morning for the all day excursion. This will be the only time I will break my fast from fabric purchases since I am commited to my stashbusting as well as finishing my projects.

Not all my projects are forgotten UFO's, (I just can't name my all my ongoing projects UFOs, WIP sounds better) I simply don't have all the time I have to spend on them as I would like so I am forced to jump around and prioritize them. They are still my babies. Granted, I do have a lot of UFOs too, and they will be dealt with this year...

BTW, I just saw a prototype from our factory of one of the babies I am working on at work. The JPG is delightful, I wish I could share how cool it is except I can't show the picture... someday it will be in stores. I know this one will make it because it is GREAT!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Working on Pieces & Pinning

I set up my work place on the kitchen table downstairs and I manage to baste a few squares everyday. Everything will be pinned down on their boards in no time so I will have sewing to take with me where ever I go.

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The lower left is the board I pin the basted pieces to so the stay in order until I sew them together
The lower middle is my ironing board with my Clover iron next to it.
Upper Left & Right are the section of the image I am sewing with the cut fabric pinned on a paper map.

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Sunday, January 14, 2007

Back on my Path

I invited a friend for lunch yesterday. I needed to bring someone into my home and give my time to someone else.

When I returned from my trip to California I also brought a cold back with me and suffered all last week and weekend. At some point I tried to get up and sew for a while and didn't even feel strong enough to do that, I read, slept, and played computer games. All mindless passive activities that I needed to convalesce with. And as I recovered my health I also realized that if I don't look outside myself I will find my self sliding into depression, missing my family and their company and the few friend I no longer have around me.

I have no agenda with, I don't ever want one with friends. But I did, I knew that sharing my time with her would inspire me and clear my head.

And I got out my hand sewing last night and started to work with a new enthusiasm. I studied the project with a new eye and see my path to its finish. Such a small step and significant, one that I knew would arrive again.
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Now I will find myself wandering back into my sewing room and reacquainting my self with even more of my unfinished projects.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy New Year!

I spent twelved glorious days with my family in California over the Christmas holidays. I took lots of photos and am itching to review them to my computer, I just know I can make a few into a quilt design.

I did make a couple of resolutions this year (usually I just have a wise-acre response that I've resolved to not make resolutions any more)

1) Stashbusting
---a) Use existing fabric I already have
---b) Finish at least five UFO's
---c) Document all UFO's on blog

2) Clutterbusting
---a) Go through boxes of papers and reduce each box I open by half
---b) Eliminate at least five old boxes of stuff
---c) Document box elimination in blog
---d) Sell anything of value from these boxes that I don't want on eBay

Hopefully these two goals are not too ambitious, but since no one else is going to clutter bust for me I have to address it this year. The stashbusting is easy since I've already started it back in September

and the last one

3) Pay off that one High Interest Credit Card
---a) This should be a snap as long as I stay focused on the above...