I spent twelved glorious days with my family in California over the Christmas holidays. I took lots of photos and am itching to review them to my computer, I just know I can make a few into a quilt design.
I did make a couple of resolutions this year (usually I just have a wise-acre response that I've resolved to not make resolutions any more)
1) Stashbusting
---a) Use existing fabric I already have
---b) Finish at least five UFO's
---c) Document all UFO's on blog
2) Clutterbusting
---a) Go through boxes of papers and reduce each box I open by half
---b) Eliminate at least five old boxes of stuff
---c) Document box elimination in blog
---d) Sell anything of value from these boxes that I don't want on eBay
Hopefully these two goals are not too ambitious, but since no one else is going to clutter bust for me I have to address it this year. The stashbusting is easy since I've already started it back in September
and the last one
3) Pay off that one High Interest Credit Card
---a) This should be a snap as long as I stay focused on the above...