flippytale Quilter

Art Journey with a Quilty Voice:
I here Voices. The Voices tell me to cut up Fabric. Good Fabric. Into small pieces. Small interesting pieces.
Then the Voices tell me to put them back together again. In interesting ways.
.... I must Obey ....

Sunday, August 19, 2007

WIP Weekend 8-19

This is what I've been up to. Last weekend I decided I needed to get going with my projects again. After all it is a billion degrees outside and I certainly didn't want to be out there!

One of my routines while I am sewing is to use canned air to clear out the dust bunnies from my machine, I like to do this when ever I change a bobbin. So that's what I started off doing. Except there was this one particular tough bunny I couldn't blow free. I could see that I might be able to reach it better from the bottom of the machine and preceded to flip it over. Lo and behold, there is a cover on the bottom of my machine! Now, I consider myself more mechanically inclined than your average bear, but I never noticed this detail of the machine I've been sewing on for the last fifteen years! "Okay, this is easy" I said to my self, eye balling the two little screw I would need to loosen to take the bottom off.

Can you image my surprise when I got the bottom off!?!?!?! I was amazed to find a nether region of my machine that I had never explored! Many times I have fearlessly taken the top plate off to oil the mechanical workings for my machine. I have total confidence in my ability to service my own machine! How could I have possibly missed this very important area???

This is the HORROR that I found from years of neglect!

So I spent only about thirty minutes completely airing out this nastiness....

Gorgeous! This area will be on my list of areas to maintain, that's for sure!!!

Okay, so I finally settled into my projects and found that I really have misplaced my Pin Ring, again, for good I think. So I couldn't just make one, I had to make eleven. My plan is to use them as quilty crafty gifts for my friends that lean that way.

Oh yeah! I did work on my Happy Retro Modern quilt top for a while too, the border is almost on if I can keep myself from being distracted even more.

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Blogger Joyce said...

Hmmm... I'd better look under my sewing machines.

August 19, 2007 at 5:15 PM  
Blogger Helen in the UK said...

Love the story of the machine. You've got me wondering about mine now ... will have to take a look :)

August 24, 2007 at 2:56 AM  

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