flippytale Quilter

Art Journey with a Quilty Voice:
I here Voices. The Voices tell me to cut up Fabric. Good Fabric. Into small pieces. Small interesting pieces.
Then the Voices tell me to put them back together again. In interesting ways.
.... I must Obey ....

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Two Quilts Given Away

I presented my two service quilts to my guild's president last night at our monthly guild meeting. She is collecting 108 quilts for a long term care hospital and that is how many beds are there. We are half way there as many people brought their finished quilts to donate.

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Blogger jovaliquilts said...

What an undertaking, but so worth it! My grandmother was given a quilt in a long term care facility and she cherished it. I like them both, but I am partial to string quilts! Lovely.

June 1, 2007 at 1:59 PM  

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