flippytale Quilter

Art Journey with a Quilty Voice:
I here Voices. The Voices tell me to cut up Fabric. Good Fabric. Into small pieces. Small interesting pieces.
Then the Voices tell me to put them back together again. In interesting ways.
.... I must Obey ....

Monday, April 30, 2007

What if I created my own Fabric...

My Day Job is not that pesky, really, I like that it allows me to fund things like a nice home to cover me a my two old-man kitties and ALL my fabulous fabric, as well as the ability to purchase more fabulous fabric.

But, I've been sketching a lot in the last two days after seeing the show and want to do more than just fondle my fabric. I would love to stay home for a week and just cut and play and sew and make stuff. I have so many ideas ... waiting...

A friend of mine just released her second line of fabric, WOW! So, naturally I am thinking the next obvious thoughts...
  • What kind of fabric would I design if I could create any pattern?
  • What fabric cannot I not find that I would like use?
  • Would it be a reproduction, new idea, inspired by my favorite artist/designer?
  • What would be the subject?
  • How could it be used?
  • Is it a Graphic Pattern?
  • Is it a Blendy, Impressionistic Pattern?
  • I would like to see a range of shades with good contrast
  • Are my doodles worthy of the permanence of fabric?
  • Do I really need to create my own fabric when there is so much else out there?

  • My guild has an Art Bee, I would like to start attending, I am failing at the Stashbuster Bee. I am already abandoning my projects and designing the next (thus creating more UFOs). I have to come to make peace with this way that I work so that I stop beating myself up each time my mind races to the next exciting idea.

    Soooo, the next exciting idea.... I have a really nifty design worked up to show case my treasure trove of recently purchased fabrics (Amy Butler, Jane Sassaman, Valori Wells, Martha Negley) . I want each beautiful print to be showcased in the quilt and not cut up too small. I have a design I created about five years ago with some other fabrics, but have repurposed it to work with these.

    Tonight I've finished drafting the design and am really excited by how they fit together. The design will involve these fabrics

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