flippytale Quilter

Art Journey with a Quilty Voice:
I here Voices. The Voices tell me to cut up Fabric. Good Fabric. Into small pieces. Small interesting pieces.
Then the Voices tell me to put them back together again. In interesting ways.
.... I must Obey ....

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I was sorry I had to miss it, it sounds like everyone had a great time.

I made the ribbons for the challenge blocks and designed our retreat t-shirt



Monday, November 03, 2008


I am planning to give hand made this year, gifts and cards. Then I found this cool site...

I Took The Handmade Pledge! BuyHandmade.org

Which fits right in with my new ETSY shop!

Yesterday I worked on making ribbons for our guild retreat. Once I got started they all started to come together, but I won't post any pictures of them until they have been awarded because I want everyone to be surprised. Hint #1: Denim is involved!

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Sunday, November 02, 2008


"You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me."


Saturday, November 01, 2008

Happy Halloween

We carved pumpkins at work yesterday...