flippytale Quilter

Art Journey with a Quilty Voice:
I here Voices. The Voices tell me to cut up Fabric. Good Fabric. Into small pieces. Small interesting pieces.
Then the Voices tell me to put them back together again. In interesting ways.
.... I must Obey ....

Thursday, July 13, 2006


This is how the Chinese deal with watershed and slope preservation...but I thought it would be cool in a piece of green fabric that I have in my stash....

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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

A new Quilting Year at the Guild

I have volunteered to be door prize chair at our guild this year. It is a small job, but a fun one. Who doesn't enjoy winning a door prize. I take my resposibility very seriously and hope that everyone will have fun this year. I am also taking on the fat quarter drawing too.


Thursday, July 06, 2006


My tapestry has been weaving through all the receipts I collected and inputting them into an extremely innefficient method or reimbursement. Each tiny charged must be calculated individually and entered on its own line, and it must be checked and rechecked by not only me but a least three other people. Who each in turn must also calculate each amount. From .04 to 849.23. Further complication comes from each day the exchange rate changes. It is a hoop I must jump through to recieve the money promised me. My time, however is lost forever.

Conclusion, no sewing this week either. At the risk of being charged a finance fee on my MC I will work late into the night to enter these monies correctly.

Sewing will commence when my mind is free of the myriad of numbers I must control.

July 4th

I spent the whole day, 4th of July, lazin' around and watching trash on TV, mostly Sci-Fi and Style Network. I'd pop my head into my sewing room and turn around. Why did I leave it such a mess? A few months ago I "organized" it and I've never fully recovered from that adventure. Nothing really fit back in like it did before. I have to wait for the spark that will most likely ignite this weekend and I will be rolling again.

Last night I kept dreaming about stained glass because of what I doing at work. So I will be looking for stained glass today on the web. Stained glass can also look like a quilt.

Boy, nothing gets my blood going better than a new project, but, but, but I have so many waiting to be finished!

Ok, no more whining....

Monday, July 03, 2006

Pictures from Guangdong province - Shenzhen & Zhongshan

A great little tea cup, and I fell in love with tea
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Lotus flowers at a restaurant, and a goose, and a Coke...
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and the closest I got to any real textiles, will have to figure out better where to go for my next trip
Zhongshan Wholesale Textile District
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